A Call to the Powers of the Crossroad

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by Azazayin

He stands at the Crossed road, with horn and stang he stands, awaiting the toll of the bell and the foot of those sworn to the exile that ends in grave and tears. By many names he has been called and to retain the mask we shall refer to him as Devil or he who carries the horns. The horns of Selene, the horns of juxtapositions, the horns of one and the other, the horns that mark from one condition to the other – the sanctity of murder and rebellion. He is the glory of the Light and the path of the ascending Power. Be no fool as you seek to take the power, for this sole blink of an eye, for the powers that turn, turns both ways. Towards and against, like the tide and still, amongst his own the power simply is. And for this purpose this ritual is presented for our readers as a diminutive beacon flaring the points of the crossroad, a breach in the texture of night, a whisper amongst the forgotten legions. So take thy candle be it red, black or green and place upon thy shrine the icon of the Devil. Do take the garland of roses and count thy prayers 70 and 7 for the perfection of the prophets. Know that the black holds the riddle of night, the red the riddle of blood and the green the riddle of land. And for the beads, they be wood, pearl or bone know thin hand pilgrim as they walk across the ladder on congress and stray not on thy journey. For a lovelorn stranger falls into the sirens embrace and all seduction and all misery will be the crossroads gift. Know that your step is secure and thy hand fast, as thy heart should at all times be, fast and secure on the path of faith. So, in front of the candle to pray as herewith presented:-

Intercessor at the Crossroad of the earth
Lover of the Toad faced obssessors in the gardens of Night
Lord of the many cities of exile
Master of the Horse and Stang
Oath taker, oath-breaker
Master of opportunity
The hand that turns the wheel
Instigator of the screams heard through the adamantine desert of our all aloneness
Flaming Lord of Earth and forge
You who art iron and gold
You who art Devil and Saint
Meet us at the crossroad of rebellion
Meet us at the port of besiegement
Hand down the key to the tower of enemies’ destruction
And lend they tongue to the sweetness of Fortune
We call thee from the heart of the True Cross
As the children of exile
Thy brood and bane be upon our brow
Lend us thy helping hand as we search the secrets of murder
Help us in the pursuit of understanding
Help us as you unleash the Secret Powers
Against our oppressors, strike hard
Against our oppressing fall, strike hard
May my heart be cleansed by thy fire
Leave only the pure soul back to walk the serene path of the Master
And if I have been found faulting in my demand
Strike me without mercy
May the curse set aflame all corners of my life
Until cunning descends
For the sake of my soul there is no thing or no one
I will not forswear
For the pursuit of wisdom there is no path I will leave un-tread
For you holds the key to the kingdoms of high and low
You are the man robed in gold and night at the ladders of Light
You are the naked youth at the Ladders of Hell
You are the height and depth and the point between
Father, Saint, Devil and Master
Such is our petition
So mote it be, now and forever more
From height to depth, from dextral to sinister
We call upon thee to meet us in the Crossroad of Power

Take now thy rose garland in thy hand and solemnly pray by each step taken:-

Oh Holy St. Peter, Lord of the Key, Lord of the Gate, The Stone of Wisdom
Grant me the key and open the door. Follow me on the Dragon’s Road. So mote it be.
Amen +

By the 77th prayer said to the praise of the crossroad you will kiss the cross and say:-

Father, Saint, Devil and Master
From the True Cross
May Our prayers be heard
To the True Cross
All Powers will descend
For such is my petition
And such is my prayer
As good St, Peter is my fellow journeyman
Amen +

Nota: O ritual aqui descrito foi apresentado como uma cortesia da Irmandade de Bruxaria Tradicional conhecida externamente como Via Vera Cruz, e adaptado de seu grimório de rituais e ensinos “A Basílica da Santidade Escura”. A Irmandade hoje reúne diferentes raízes de práticas da Arte Tradicional e busca reunir estes ensinamentos e poderes a um formato especialmente apropriado para os praticantes brasileiros. A Via Vera Cruz segue uma jornada iniciática tripartida arraigada em uma entrada Cainita e um caminho Sethiano, exemplificado no mistério ritual conhecido como Os Três Círculos do Exílio. Estamos orgulhosos em apresentar esta forma de abordagem tradicional aos poderes ancestrais e esperamos que nossos leitores achem esta contribuição estimulante e interessante.

Copyright © - Via Vera Cruz: este texto não pode ser reproduzido em nenhum local sem a permissão direta do autor.
